Hi Im kevin and Im an addict...
I lost my day count today. Today was a good day,just like ice cube said but not the whole day was bad. I surrounded myself with friends and family but it seems it wasnt enough. I borrowed a friends car and drove myself straight to a place where I knew I would get a hit and I took it. Whats strange is that it didnt feel good. It felt worse than I ever let it feel, my heart felt dark and the immidiate feeling of being a failure washed over me. I expect a lot from myself and I couldnt follow my one most important rule which was dont place yourself in a situation where you will be tempted. I start the sobriety process again and I ask the lord to give me the strength to accept the things I cant change.
Hi Im Kevin and Im an addict.....
I just got a new job that is sales in nature , my previous job was an I.T. position which gave me a chance to compare the differences between humans and machines. A machine is supposed to be predictable ,with a particular set of inputs you get a particular set of outputs. A human is supposed to be unpredictable where one group wants to go left there is this guy who always wants to go right. However, I realized that machines can be at some point unpredictable while the humans vice versa. A human will be predictable in that every little situation you bring to him will only flow with your idea if and only if it is of some benefit to them. That brings me to the basis of this topic today, number in is you and your immediate interests and issues if importance. With that being said, I would love to burst the bubbles of certain individuals who seem to rely too much on other people. If you are an adult and probably approaching middle age, you are of three different levels of life : accomplis...
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