Hi I'm Kevin and I'm an addict....
Cant believe its been a week since I was in a sharing session. Well its been a crazy week, did a few stupid things that addicts shouldnt do. Actually put myself jn sutuations where I might be tempted to use. Thankfully I didnt, sucked up my courage and just walked away.
I let off some steam yesterday through one of my favourite hobbies, dont laugh but its karaoke. Brought the roof down like I was a rock star and the audience responded so beautifully. I hadnt done that in a while and the feeling was magical. Looks like a have found what I'd like to call my rhythmic release.
The hardest thing I have had to endure is not let the darkness engulf me. You know when you really really need a hit and suddenly your mood changes and thats all you can think about. Thats how I feel sometimes and I have to do all I can to not let it take over. Kinda why i needed to come back and share with the rest of you degenerates.
Thanks for letting me share.
Hi Im kevin and Im an addict...
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