Dear future Kevin,
I know you are reading this from a lawn chair at sunset with the sound of kids or grandkids playing in the yard. I know you are probably not in the stage of life that you expected to be right now and you miss the friends that you used to know and the joy they brought you. Your body feels weaker now and you are probably few pounds heavier in the wrong places. I am guessing you quit drinking and living the high life some time ago to concentrate on whats important and your family thanks you for it. I am sure you only communicate with some members of the family and have completely ignored others at your current age and it doesn't bother you much. For this I say I am sorry, I lived the life that I was given to the best of what I thought were my abilities. I loved with a fierce flame and got put out in the cold snow and I felt I couldn't love anymore. I am sorry for the pounds on you for we were once strong and swift but now just the thought of exercise is tiring. I am sorry I didn't make you a father sooner and I hope the children have brought you enough joy to make up for my betrayal.
I am sorry for the damage I have caused our body and thank you again for changing the status quo for us to live to see the grandchildren. I am sorry for not striving to achieve more in life and I didn't work hard enough to get you the big german car or the 100 acre ranch that we always wanted but I hope what I gave you to work with is okay and the family isn't struggling. I am sorry for not dealing with my emotions and making decisions on what my heart wanted me to do. I know the heart is not so smart but I hope that is what lead you to marry the woman that you did. Sorry for wearing my heart on my sleeve like I do and I thank you even more for being a better man than I am.
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