There is something that is borderline exhibitionism about making my private thoughts public.Similar to someone streaking across a football people with thousands of people watching. I don't know if its just wanting to get my thoughts out there and stimulate more people into asking questions or it could be that I just need to scream to the masses and not feel like im trapped in my little cocoon. All these factors aside I feel that I am amongst greats, who do i speak of? Well I feel that everyone's chosen art form really reflects the person and a lot of the peoples thoughts are well represented in their finished work. Well it should be obvious since we are unique human beings and although coincidences do happen one persons finished product should be unique to another. This can be done when you are told to paint something after only seeing it after 5 minutes. Even the most talented painters would probably portray their own unique perspective of what they have seen. Music is on...
The crazy thoughts I have ,now manifested