Expensive drinks and high cover charges, that's the price I pay for a hassle free night in a club with great ambience. A great night to me is rated against some distinct markers. Company, choice of beverage and location. Company ,if it's not your usual crew, has to be put together systematically to ensure you don't end up with troublemakers but with more fun loving and well behaved people. The choice of beverage is just dictated by location and company. House parties should have more hard liquor than beers while the club scene requires more portability with regards to cans and bottles for the more agile of this generation. The last and usually most important, location location location. What goes into a location; distance, cost, ratio of the sexes, neighborhood and the music. If you are already used to certain clubs then the only variable present is the sexes and music. Unless you are bringing your own company then the ratio doesn't bother you much but the music is definitely not in your control.
Ever walked into a club and you are so high your brain is on another planet but the music being mixed is so uncoordinated that you get sober a bit too quickly. Loud music in concerts is seen as another way to get high outside the intoxicating substances. A great deejay is able to read the crowd and tell what kind of genre mixes with them then after that is able to flow through the set with them in mind. Others have a time table that states which genre is played during certain times. The ability to fluidly move between two songs is an art that needs to be mastered before anyone thinks they are a deejay.
So why am I complaining? I am now sitting in a club in mombasa and someone needs to shoot the deejay. ...
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