Money power respect, that's what we need in life. Sounds like the chorus for a song done by the lox over ten years ago right. Well it is and it does ring true everyday. Let's have a social experiment, look at where you are sitting right now reading this. I'm sitting at a coffee shop draining the free WiFi and spending the lowest amount I can on a drink. You could be sitting in a bus reading this on your way home or lounging in your living room.Anywhere we are ,we either have or wish we had the trifecta that is "MONEY POWER RESPECT".
I cant teach you how to get any of the things above but i can try to look at the negative effects of the most sort out one of the three. Cold heart cash. When I look around this coffee shop today, i see a couple of people tired from work and in no hurry to get home. I see some people who just might have more money than sense and have just come here as a stop over to the next place as their party night starts up. We all look either hungry for money or too full of it to think straight. Have you ever asked yourself what it would be like to have more money than you could ever think of spending? off-course you have and don't bother lying about it either. You spent your life as a child thinking of beautiful clothes or fast cars and now that you are working towards it you don't have enough. So now that you have asked yourself the first question, how about you ask yourself how it would affect you if you actually do become wealthy.
Lifestyle, generally rich people do rich things. Unless you have no interest in material things and thus you could end up like Warren Buffet who still lives in a 4 bedroom house he bought decades ago. Keep it in mind that he is worth the GDP of most small countries. If you are part of the top one percent then your house would probably take years to build, your cars have got to be foreign and a definition of a holiday is weeks on an island thousands of miles away. Doesn't that look attractive to you, well it kinda does to me but lets look at the flip side.
Family, money makes a family much more difficult to manage especially if the money isn't spread around the family. If you are a self made billionaire and your extended family members haven't made anything of themselves then you are in an uncomfortable position. Depending on what kind of relatives you have and what you are planning to do for them then you may be in a little pickle. Worst case scenario is you give them money hand outs and they keep coming back or you get them jobs and they keep screwing up. If you don't help them at all then they resent you and could go as far as plan an inside job to rob you. There is your family for you so enjoy your money dude.
Friends, they may not play a big role but its very lonely at the top. If you are in the workforce like me then I am sure that during your lunch break you hook up with colleagues and walk to wherever you get lunch from. Have you ever asked your self where the boss gets lunch. More importantly who does he/she get lunch with. The probable answer is that they have lunch alone. That's a proper example to show that its lonely at the top, do you really want to lose your friends. Quickest way is to get rich and suddenly you cant hang out in the same places before since your lifestyle has changed. You probably live in the hills and have a merc with a driver to chauffeur you around and its really not that easy to keep heading back to the old hood to chill out at your old joints and its not that easy for your old friends to fit in your new neighborhood. Its not like you should live your life for your friends, any of them would take your place in an instance given the chance. That's the idea but I'm just thinking like i was rich.
How about everybody else, a rich person in our country doesn't walk around the street all relaxed. That dude is scared for his life because what he has everyone wants. I may be wrong but to become rich you must have stepped on enough toes to actually piss enough people off that they may want you dead. I have a few family friends who have made it big and its interesting to know that one of them recently got himself a gun(sorry about the sopranos and Nas reference). You dont get yourself a gun unless you really have a lot to protect.
Now that you know what you are giving up. Do you really want to join the rat race for cold heart cash.....
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