Someone asked me the other day whether I am ever reminded of past events using scents. Well the truth is that , and I am sure I am not alone in this but I reminisce through all five senses. Sometimes through a sixth sense, I am definitely not alone in that one. On a serious note though, today I shall elaborate on a few things that I use to self stimulate reminiscent thoughts. My most useful tool so far has been soul music. Do you remember the times in your life that you were truly happy. I'm not talking about some short instance where you got a new toy and you were happy but you got bored of it the next day thing , I mean a state of complete surrender to joy. I am pretty much not happy anymore, unhappy job, unhappy town and not being constantly able to spend a day with a loved one at will takes a toll on you. In order to keep myself from jumping over the deep end I try to take my mind back to those joyful moments in my past. I do it by listening ...
The crazy thoughts I have ,now manifested