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Always looking out for number 1

I just got a new job that is sales in nature , my previous job was an I.T. position which gave me a chance to compare the differences between humans and machines. A machine is supposed to be predictable ,with a particular set of inputs you get a particular set of outputs. A human is supposed to be unpredictable where one group wants to go left there is this guy who always wants to go right. However, I realized that machines can be at some point unpredictable while the humans vice versa. A human will be predictable in that every little situation you bring to him will only flow with your idea if and only if it is of some benefit to them. That brings me to the basis of this topic today, number in is you and your immediate interests and issues if importance. With that being said, I would love to burst the bubbles of certain individuals who seem to rely too much on other people. If you are an adult and probably approaching middle age, you are of three different levels of life : accomplis...
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How Much Is Enough? I think I figured it out.....................

I recently faced a situation that I have faced multiple times, getting vindicated for my integirty while those who chose a different path finding themselves on the wrong side. I have worked in the industry I am in for almost 16 years now and during that time I have seen colleagues get rich through dubious means. My time in this iindustryhas made me aware of ways in which this is possibe but I have always questioned on whether it is worth it. Guys getting kick backs or outright theft looks attractive in the moment but at the end of the day you always get caught and find yourself in a worse of position than before. We see the same thing in our politicians and even though theirs is the making oofa kleptocracy we always ask ourselves, How much is really enough? I think I may have found out how much in my perspective may be enough. KES. 300 MILLION Hear me out on this, if you were to have a windfall or accumulate wealth in a short time i personally believe that amount would serve my family ...

She killed him.........................

A man’s primary purpose in life is to provide, both for the present and the future. Often, nothing he possesses naturally is seen as inherently valuable. For a woman, however, the opposite is true, as she is born with much of what is deemed valuable for the species. It's a rather bleak topic to discuss, yet it reflects a truth we have come to understand. Recently, I buried a great man who did everything right, though it wasn’t enough to earn him the long life he so deserved. Born and raised in poverty, he was on his way to becoming the best in his field, until he met someone he couldn't resist. As a child, he encountered a beautiful girl whom he believed could walk on water. Their young love blossomed in the dusty, rural farmlands of western Kenya, only for life’s circumstances to separate them for nearly two decades. During their time apart, he built a foundation that his peers from the village could only dream of. From barefoot maize harvests in the village to excelling at a ...


 Hi Everyone, my name is Kevin and i am an addict. It’s been 1,360 days since I last shared and not to tempt fate but, I think I am healed. It has been a crazy roller coaster ride of relapses, stuff that i may not be proud off crossing my mind and generally the kind of pain and trauma that i never thought I would make it out off. I started through this journey of recovery maybe 5 or 6 years ago and during that time i think i have learned more than i thought i would. My vision is a lot more clearer and even though i am a lot more hardy than i was, i think that its all for the best. I really don’t need to share more than that. Thank you for all those who stood with me.


 I wrote this title quite some time ago but didn’t put words to it. It’s taken me a few minutes to try and put meaning to the words but just as i am sitting here I realize why. There hasn’t been much activity from me in a while but that mostly is because I realized that I was letting my personal life appear too frequently in my writing.  That kind of transparency is honestly not good for relationships and stability. They say never let them see you sweat, which would basically mean I cant plaster my day to day struggles on the internet for all to see. This topic however has very little to do with me and a lot more to do with the power that other people are yielding over us as a society. Not to just throw blame in one direction, we are very complicit in all this and thats what has been bothering me. Since the last time I posted, my life has become way different. My wife and I now have two kids, live in our own home and we are now basically working ourselves like crazy to build s...


Public service is supposed to be the hardest , least financially rewarding and thankless career to aspire to but should be a calling to some. The idea of waking up every morning and performing tasks and duties without the notion of personal wealth, with only the thought that it may ease the lives of others, is not meant to be an easy one. The endless toil of 14 hour days and long durations of time spent away from your home and your loved ones wouldn't be classified as typical human behavior especially when those closest to you feel that they have lost you to the masses. What could possibly lead someone to live a life like that, where your own life hangs in the balance and you resist every urge of self  preservation . One ends up choosing a life of altruism and they end up alienating the ones closest to them who may not be able to understand why they do that. They chose to do this becasue they have a moral obligation to what is right and just..............well, some do. When parent...


Hi, I am Kevin and I am Addict. Its been 1,180 days since i shared in this group. I see some familiar faces like Mark over there. Stay strong brother, good to see you are still alive. I guess since only Mark and I laughed, we are the only ones who get it. I see some new faces, hey everyone, and off course our group counselor. For the new people around, a few years a go I hit rock bottom. For those who are yet to get hat feeling it is both the worst feeling in the world and a blessing for those who survive it. My addiction pushed me to lows that I didn't know. My own self-worth was tied to the feeling that this drug gave me and to be honest I never thought I could be able to let it go. Just to be completely honest , especially for those who just joined the group, you never really stop wanting to use. You will always want that puff, the snort , that one pill that you feel you need to get you through the next minute of your life. The true power of sobriety comes from being able to ...

I am......

I am a writer... I think, I see, I transcribe into words, I tell a story and pretend that my work isn't influenced by any personal feelings. Unfortunately its never that easy, Eminem said music is just reflection of self so whatever words i conjure up will be seasoned with my thoughts and feelings. Its what sometimes makes the difference between the good and the bad writers. One of my favorite novelists is Jeffrey Archer, I have read a few of his first books .My favorite books were on the Kane and Abel series and  after doing some research I realized how autobiographical they were. He wrote his first book (Not a penny more, not a penny less) after he resigned from his post as a British MP. He had fallen prey to a fraudulent scheme that left him 500,000 pounds in debt.  Comparatively the book talks about a group of investors who were taken in by a wealthy conman, they invested all they had and on discovering the con vowed to get their money back "Not a penny more not a penny le...