Hi, I am Kevin and I am Addict. Its been 1,180 days since i shared in this group. I see some familiar faces like Mark over there. Stay strong brother, good to see you are still alive. I guess since only Mark and I laughed, we are the only ones who get it. I see some new faces, hey everyone, and off course our group counselor. For the new people around, a few years a go I hit rock bottom. For those who are yet to get hat feeling it is both the worst feeling in the world and a blessing for those who survive it. My addiction pushed me to lows that I didn't know. My own self-worth was tied to the feeling that this drug gave me and to be honest I never thought I could be able to let it go. Just to be completely honest , especially for those who just joined the group, you never really stop wanting to use. You will always want that puff, the snort , that one pill that you feel you need to get you through the next minute of your life. The true power of sobriety comes from being able to ...
The crazy thoughts I have ,now manifested