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Morning runs and soulful songs.....

6 am Monday morning, squinting through ghost cum and morning breath trying to get my bearings. The most beautiful feeling you can ever have on a Monday morning is when you realize that you don't actually have to get out of bed. This Monday morning represents the halfway point of my 14 day vacation so what do you think i should do today? Lets start with the new routine I am trying to cultivate, jogging as frequently as possible.  I recently moved from weighing in the triple digits and I sure as hell want to keep it that way so I have decided to sit less and move more. Step one of this is to get myself off of this bed and grab some sweat pants and running shoes then hit the road.

I sometimes believe that when I am exercising, it isn't a way for me to lose weight but some time I can take off from the world and just disappear into a rabbit hole until I am exhausted. Today was not an exception, head phones on and my feet to the ground. The sun not fully out but giving enough light so I can see the beautiful cirrus clouds in the sky. The neighbors aren't leaving for work yet but there are some pedestrians on the road now. I run past them as my feet beat down on the damp ground, my mid tempo playlist pushing me on. My breathing is now shorter and more rapid as I finish the first kilometer. I don't normally time myself as i run, I follow the Austrian Oak's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) work out principle, do it until it hurts and that's when you know you are doing it right. I use the same principle when doing push ups and swimming will be next as soon as I can get an Olympic sized pool in the neighborhood.I settle into a rhythm after the first kilometer and the playlist now moves on to a song that now makes my mind drift away from the task at hand. Its Sam smith and he is stating a message that is all too appropriate for this lonely hour of mine. I am on the main road now and its a bit brighter and the early risers are now on the road driving to work. My eyes meet a few of them and I see looks of envy and others looking puzzled. Halfway through my run and track fourteen(Make it to me) starts playing and my thoughts move to a time before i knew what love was. I know its a change of pace but I remember being a 17 year old climbing a hill in the middle of the night once and the only lights other than our flash lights were the stars. In that moment of utter silence and clarity I looked out at the stars and having no idea what I was looking for I said "I know you are looking up at this sky too, I am coming as fast as I can". The thoughts and the dreams I had are still strong in me from those times but life has dealt me enough punches and I wonder if believing in that is worth it any more. I am almost at kilometer four which is usually when I turn around.
I just put that song on replay now and ill listen to it all the way home as I decide to concentrate on finishing today's run.
My lonely hour is over and now back to reality, thanks for running with me today.


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