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Why do I do what I do

One of my favorite thought provoking songs is Tracy chapman's "fast car". Those who haven't heard it should go ahead and listen to it, a line in the song states "Leave tonight or live and die this way". It's a hot Monday morning and you are at your desk at work listening to another boring customer who for one reason or the other believes they can get you to do what they want even if it's contrary to all laws or norms. You day dream a bit of where you would rather be at that point in time. Maybe you like mountain climbing and at that very moment you are in the Himalayas with a bunch of Sherpas or you are an avid swimmer crossing the English Channel. You could be anywhere right now but that doesn't seem possible right now on your desk, does it?
Why doesn't it seem possible? Well I guess it could be the mortgage you have on your house that needs paying, the car loan that for some reason doesn't seem to go anywhere coz you are upgrading cars every two years or it could just be the 20 or so dependants that never seem to stop calling you. The rules just seem to always be against you, you are always just a step behind what people would call successful. What is this definition of a successful person, it changes constantly. Case in point, a lot of people would gauge me as a success, but I do not because I gauge a successful person as having a certain level of freedom that I can only dream about. I believe the people who I would deem as successful also don't feel like they are there yet so the vicious chain goes on and on and on. I am sure this Bob Marley quote has made the rounds, I may have to paraphrase it. " You should never measure how successful or happy you are by money because money is just a number and numbers never end thus you would never be happy". We unfortunately measure ones happiness by how much money they have but you would be surprised to know that a lot of rich people were a lot happier when they were climbing the ladder rather than now that everyone and everything is at they beckon call. But I digress, your client is now getting hysterical that you have stopped listening to them so you tell them off and they stomp out of your office. Time to go back to the daydream, what would it take to be happy? Well I am not an expert but I have had to review happiness and realized that maybe the ability to answer to no one is happiness ,so I came up with a master plan. There are some perks to being single and that should be the first step you review, does anyone actually need you around? Now you have the option of ending what you have or try and rope them in to your fantasy, your choice. Second step is remove some of the blood sucking chains we have in life. Things like mortgages, loans, work obligations and obligations at home. How about we liquidate all that and see whether we are at positive or negative. If you are at negative then I suggest you stop right there but if we are at positive net worth then I guess we are on track. So what am I trying to achieve here, well I think that to be free you need to go where you want and do whatever you want with whoever you want. Seems like a noble but selfish persuit but there is no way you can do all that with everything tying you down. 
So I guess you are now liquid, gotten rid of all your unnecessary possessions and are probably on the mattress in your house as the days go by before you hand it over to the next owner. So what do you want to do now, I would like to travel. Got your passport ready and now I guess it's time to plan your route. Everything has a price so now I shall give you the price you would have to pay for this new found freedom of yours, no more pride. With your new found freedom you will still need to eat, sleep and probably have to communicate with multiple people, some you once thought of being beneath you  and others you find unreasonable. How will you do that, you will probably spend some nights out in the cold or on someone's couch. If you are lucky you just might paratroop (get picked up at a club and spend the night in someone's bed in exchange for sexual Favours) through some cities. The paratrooping I'm guessing would be more fun for a guy than a girl. If you are unable to do that then I guess it's time you stop because this is going to be an adventure but it won't be fun all the way. 
Here is my route plan the, I am going east. Jump aboard a cruise ship and head to Australia, possibly via South Africa if possible. Probably get a job as a laborer , waiter or whatever skill I can bullshit myself into on the ship or in the case of the titanic mayb win a ticket in a poker game. I'll be doing a lot of heavy work on this journey of mine so I don't need the gym membership. Spend some time in Australia seeing some sites, the marsupials and relatives I might have down there and get on another ship across the pacific. Why would I pick a cruise ship, well it takes a while to get from one place to another, there are a lot of menial jobs I could get and since I ain't in a hurry and with little cash why fly? Now that it has began , just keep going until you have had your fill so I tell you again "leave tonight or live and die this way".


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