A nairobians life is never easy, we don't have trees where we can just pluck fruits. No river nearby where you can just bathe and fetch drinking water, everything is for sale so the lazy don't make it. Someone once told me that I couldn't hack it in the rural area and I said he couldn't hack it in the city. I ain't going to pretend that rural life is a cake walk as long as no one chastises me when I'm out blowing off steam. I found these lemons when I was born, so lemonade me bitch.
Back to the matter at hand, there are a few million people in Nairobi and a good number of them are not gainfully employed. This basically means that they live extra stressful lives for below average pay. When an object is compressed (stressed) without an avenue to release then it explodes. Thus I present to you the concept that nairobians know all too well " work hard play hard". With that concept in mind I would like to introduce to you an ideal nairobians week.
Monday morning is spent looking for work stuff and trying to remember crap that you haven't done at work. This is the time when seriousness is properly displayed on your face and you do not by any means entertain any thoughts of alcohol or drugs. You give yourself the mantra of "I don't shit where I eat and neither do I shit while I eat, I am no cow." This mantra goes on till Thursday afternoon.
Thursday afternoon, buddies are feeling stressed out and so are you. Out of the blue you lost a major account and your boss ain't happy with you so you round up the posey. Head to the local for some happy hour drinks, those drinks turn into shots and at 2 am people are scrambling for cabs and rides home. You only get 3 hours sleep that day and Friday is welcomed with some banging head aches and no recollection of half of what happened the previous night.
Friday and it's dre day. A smart nairobian would have finished most of his work by Thursday and is now just handling extras or pushing time while playing solitaire. At 2 in the afternoon a call is made to the nairobian from a client he was following up on. The client confirms that he would like to offer the nairobian business and they can meet on Monday to finallize the details. This information is relayed to the nairobians boss and the damage is now sorted out. The next call made is to the aforementioned hungover boys who are more than eager to meet up. The new weekend partying starts again.
That would be an ideal nairobian but the less than ideal nairobians have a few additives in the mix that make the partying much harder. These less than ideal nairobians may be on both sides of the financial spectrum so high class and cool looking bottles or darkly lit lanes and sachets. These differences come with various similarities,first and foremost it is basic knowledge that the more you get accustomed to something the more you will need to reach the desired feeling. This is where the extra curricular substances come in.
The every day nairobian has had alcohol and those who haven't then are forced not to by external forces. Alcohol is the basic gateway drug and the statistics on the road show that one in every 5 trucks ( made up)is moving some sort of alcoholic beverage. The next level is smokable substances and these are usually some of the first to be tried out, cigarettes. Kids tried smoking cigarretes before alcohol because it was cheaper. Then came sheesha and weed, one legal the other highly illegal. The sheesha( also known as hookah ) is usually taken while drinking while the weed is taken in private residences or far off places where they cannot be found. Hard core stuff comes last because only a select few can actually maintain the habit. Coacaine and heroin, at this point I would like to say I have no experience on this and cannot comment.
I have gone round and round and explained a myriad of things but the bottom line is that nairobians live to have fun and get high. Welcome to our life and don't judge us while you are here.......
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