A nairobians life is never easy, we don't have trees where we can just pluck fruits. No river nearby where you can just bathe and fetch drinking water, everything is for sale so the lazy don't make it. Someone once told me that I couldn't hack it in the rural area and I said he couldn't hack it in the city. I ain't going to pretend that rural life is a cake walk as long as no one chastises me when I'm out blowing off steam. I found these lemons when I was born, so lemonade me bitch. Back to the matter at hand, there are a few million people in Nairobi and a good number of them are not gainfully employed. This basically means that they live extra stressful lives for below average pay. When an object is compressed (stressed) without an avenue to release then it explodes. Thus I present to you the concept that nairobians know all too well " work hard play hard". With that concept in mind I would like to introduce to you an ideal nairobians week....
The crazy thoughts I have ,now manifested