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Showing posts from April, 2015

Solitude is overrated

Solitude, the echos in your house and the sound of your own heart beating. The 0 messages on your phone and being left with your own thoughts. I have enjoyed it for  too long but not anymore. When i grew up i didnt have a noisy house. No siblings running around and relatives who showed up were quickly paraded out. Thats the life that I enjoyed, but not anymore. The loneliness was always a friend of mine because it helped me find who I was inside. I finally found the noise and in my house, the anwers to how was your day were quick in coming and the laughter from making fun of baby photos and I enjoyed it. Maybe it was that I already found who I was and it was with you that I found myself...I dont want to go back to that because.. solitude is overrated ..


The Pachelbel Canon in D Major, the universal sound used at a wedding when a bride to be is walking down the aisle. I know this, because the organist is about to play that right now. This is my wedding, not a practice run and not a dream but my actual wedding. Got the church , the honored guests and my grooms men. My best friend behind me, my little brother behind him and my cousin rounding up the list. All dressed in white as per the bride's instructions and all looking nervous and somewhat unhappy since I don't want to show my true expression and end up looking sheepish on the wedding video. The theme for the wedding is white and gold, not black and blue for those not genetically gifted(Sorry a social media joke that I hope someone gets). The gold was my choice while the white was hers, shocking that I had a say in the wedding but contrary to popular belief about men arranging weddings the colors are holding together. Flowers on the aisles showing white roses with gold bow...