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Showing posts from August, 2014

Read, it isn't illegal yet....

A little fault with our generation today is, we don't read as much as we should. I know the story of romeo and juliet but I have never read the play, I know of someone who was called Confucios but I cannot recall a single word of wisdom.  Its with this premise i point out a sentence from a famous Nicholas Cage Movie (Lord Of War). 'Evil prevails when good men fail to Act. Poetic as these words are, I cannot base my life or career behind them. Most of us give ourselves the title of good men but we probably wouldn't quit our jobs because the company we work for employs slave labour in harvesting its crops, we wouldn't boycott the purchase of a product because some kids in china are in sweatshops making them for meagre wages etc.  Don't think, not for one second that a person in authority would like the status quo to change. This is simply because it's either profitable or more comfortable for them. How many politicians have been elected to lead certain areas and l...

You may be the reason your brother is missing a leg.....

When a new television series comes out the guys producing it want to know whether its a hit or they perform what they call test screenings. Simple enough they put together people representing different demographics and get their feedback. Well I did the exact same thing with the topic of today and It was a unanimous scream of disgust and disbelief. Simply put ,it caught the attention of all the people I tested it on. Just to give my topic a little background i will start by explaining a simple known theory known as "Butterfly effect". If you have watched the movie then you know what i mean. If you haven't watched it or run into it at some point then  , In  chaos theory , the  butterfly effect is the sensitive dependency on initial conditions in which a small change at one place in a deterministic  nonlinear system  can result in large differences in a later state. In a nutshell, a butterfly could flap its wings in one part of the world and ...