OLX may be a difficult concept to digest for us Nairobians and this I can put good money on. The whole theory about some point in time you decide to sell off your furniture and buy new ones just doesn’t play well with us. This is especially when the question is, when do you think your furniture stops being good? In my years of study, or just observation, the line of reasoning used is we shall use it until it is embarrassing to use it anymore then ship it upcountry where the folks there will use it a lot more. I have seen this happen; the furniture I saw when I was born is decorating my grandma’s house. The furniture that I grew up with is decorating an out of town place my parents have so the whole theory of sell the stuff and get new stuff really doesn’t make sense. I have a few theories to probably try and explain this, my first and probably more relatable to is we do not grasp the theory of depreciation. If you go to any company today, they depreciate some of their as...
The crazy thoughts I have ,now manifested