Greed, hate and envy those are the things we see every day. Sorry for starting this week on such a low note but any true Nairobian knows that wherever they go, they cannot be surprised if they run into this. For anyone who has read my earlier posts you know by know that I have been through all the hood levels and i can say without a doubt that this exists everywhere. I’m gonna back up a bit to explain why i speak of these vices today. I read an article this morning talking about the greed Kenyans have, click here if you would like to read it, it resonated with me because it was all true. I cannot speak for all Kenyans except for the ones I know so Im gonna say that I know not of any greater greed, hatred or envy than what I have seen here in Nairobi. It may be true that I have not lived anywhere else but most of it is directed to the person standing next to you so hate me or love me, it’s all true. So if we were to get down to the facts, we can start with what I believe is th...
The crazy thoughts I have ,now manifested